MAC iRISE – You Got This!

MAC iRISE – You Got This!

At MAC, education and tarbiyyah are our top priority. We believe in nurturing students in our schools to be spiritually connected, strongly grounded in their own faith, motivated and enthusiastic, with a solid understanding of how to practice Islam in their lives.
MAC iRISE is a research-intensive, evidence-based and community-driven character education framework that is an integral part of MAC full time schools. . The iRISE objectives are to develop a strong Muslim-Canadian identity, to embody Islamic values and to acquire relevant life skills to meet this century challenges.
MAC iRISE – You Got This! is a student-driven exhibition showcasing iRISE values in action. Students in grades 4 to 8 at six MAC schools across Canada work on projects to demonstrate their learning while making an impact in their community.
Prior to the pandemic, students’ final projects were presented to classmates and community delegates through an in-person iRISE Fair at their respective schools. This year students were encouraged to work together with their small groups online to turn their planned initiatives into reality. Final projects were virtually presented in a video/presentation format to over 30 community delegates from across the country.
Students learned that as Muslims, it is not enough to stay home and practice social distancing; we also try our best to help those around us.Students showcased their talents and creativity by presenting their projects through videos, PowerPoint, short films, e-cards, websites, social media pages, posters, emails, and more! Projects included home-made masks, showing gratitude to front-line workers, tutorials for beneficial hobbies during quarantine, campaigns to spread kindness and positivity, raising funds to support social service organizations, cyber-bullying prevention, and much more. 264 groups of students participated, ages 9-14, from 6 schools across Canada.
Through the MAC iRISE – You Got This! (Stay Home Version), students from Ottawa to Edmonton demonstrated that they too can make an impact in their own way, even while staying home!