

At MAC we care about moments of joy and grief that affect us all. Below are official statements on significant events affecting our neighbours because we understand how important it is for community members to voice their support and show solidarity during a difficult time. We are with those who are grieving across lines of nationality, religious affiliation, race, ethnicity, sex, or class denomination.

  • All
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Charter Challenge
  • community
  • CRA
  • Islamophobia

Charter Challenge Update – 2024

Court of Appeal Decision is a Setback for Charter Rights and a Green Light for Government Overreach July 10, 2024,…

Déclaration de l’Association musulmane du Canada (MAC) en réponse à un article de La Presse

Le 13 novembre, 2023 Le récent article de La Presse, intitulé « Le fisc accuse MAC de s’associer à l’extrémisme…

Statement by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) in Response to La Presse Article

November 13, 2023 (en français) The recent article by La Presse, titled ‘The tax authorities accuse the MAC of associating…

Statement on Global News Article by Stewart Bell

October 13, 2023 An article published by Stewart Bell in Global News on October 13, 2023 titled “Auditors allege Canadian…

A Reminder to Have Faith During These Difficult Times in the Middle East

October 13, 2023 For Muslims across the globe, the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque, the second house of worship established on Earth,…

Statement by MAC on Statements by Canadian Leaders and School Boards on Recent Protests

September 25, 2023 The Muslim Association of Canada strongly condemns remarks on recent protests made by certain politicians, including our…

Statement by Canadian Muslim Organizations on the #1MillionMarch4Children

JOINT STATEMENT: Statement by Canadian Muslim Organizations on the #1MillionMarch4Children September 18, 2023 We, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)…

Communiqué de Presse

La Cour supérieure de l’Ontario confirme la partialité de l’audit de l’ARC mais retarde la justice pour l’Association musulmane du…

PRESS RELEASE: Charter Challenge Update

The Ontario Superior Court Confirms Bias in CRA Audit but Delays Justice for the Muslim Association of Canada En Français…

Statement on the National Post Terry Glavin’s Article

The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) would like to address the recent article published by the National Post and its…