MAC Give Community Food Share Campaign Offering Support Nationally

Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) MAC Give Community Food Share Campaign Offering Support Nationally
Written by Muslim Association of Canada
MAC Give has launched *Community Food Share*, a nationwide campaign to assist our neighbors and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We believe that one of our greatest duties and obligations is to be of service to our communities. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought tremendous anxiety to our society that’s required us to make significant adjustments in our daily lives.
The goal of our Food Share Campaign is not only to provide essential services to members of our community but also to build hope and resiliency during these difficult times. MAC Give Food Share Campaign will provide hot meals and non-perishable food packages that will be distributed on a weekly basis to our neighbours and members of our community that need the support.
Amidst the social distancing of the COVID-19 epidemic, let’s break down the walls of vulnerability and build hope and resilience as a community.
Join MAC Give in providing meals to homeless and senior members of our community. MAC Youth groups will use your donations to purchase hot meals and non-perishable food items for weekly distribution nationwide. You will also be supporting local businesses through this economically challenging time.
*Please note: Appropriate protocols of social distancing and health and hygiene will be implemented throughout this campaign.
This is a nationwide campaign with projects in every major city across Canada.
Islamic Community Centre of Ontario (ICCO)
To request support from the Islamic Community Centre of Ontario send a Whatsapp message to 289-204-0452 or fill out the online form here
To donate to support Islamic Community Centre of Ontario’s campaign, click here
TorontoAdvertise here
To donate to support Masjid Toronto’s campaign, click here
To donate to support Kitchener Masjid’s campaign, click here
To donate to support MAC Westmount Centre’s campaign, click here
Mosquée AlRawdah / Centre Communautaire Laurentien
To donate to support Al Rawdah Mosque’s campaign, click here
To donate to support Rahma Mosque’s campaign, click here
To donate to support Al Salam Centre’s campaign, click here
To donate to support MAC Vancouver Centre’s campaign, click here
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.”
*Please donate generously. We may not be able to congregate, but we can always GIVE!*
Email: with questions.