MAC Give Food Share Campaign

MAC Give Food Share Campaign
Amidst the social distancing of the COVID-19 epidemic, let’s break down the walls of vulnerability and build hope and resilience as a community. Join MAC Give in providing meals to homeless and senior members of our community. MAC Youth groups will use your donations to purchase hot meals and non-perishable food items for weekly distribution nationwide. You will also be supporting local businesses through this economically challenging time.
*Please note: Appropriate protocols of social distancing and health and hygiene will be implemented throughout this campaign.
This is a nationwide campaign with projects in every major city across Canada.
Participating MAC mosques and centres:
- Masjid Toronto – Toronto, ON
- ICCO – Mississauga, ON
- MAC Westmount Centre – London, ON
- CCL / Al-Rawdah Mosque – Montreal, QC
- Rahma Mosque – Edmonton, AB
- Al-Salam Centre – Calgary, AB
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “The best of people are those who are most beneficial to people.”
*Please donate generously. We may not be able to congregate, but we can always GIVE!*
Email with questions.
Click here to donate to the food share campaign.