Three Years After the Quebec City Shooting

Three Years After the Quebec City

 Mosque Shooting


Mississauga – January 29, 2020 –  The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) emphasizes the holistic message of Islam within the context of Canada’s diverse society.

“Today marks the third anniversary of the Quebec City Mosque Shooting when a gunman entered a mosque in Quebec City and opened fire on dozens of Muslim Canadians worshippers ending their nightly prayer service.  By the time the shooting had ended, tragically six worshippers had been killed, and 19 more injured on January 29, 2017.

Today we remember the lives of Dr. Khaled Belkacemi, Ibrahima Barry, Mamadou Tanou Barry, Aboubaker Thabti, Abdelkrim Hassane and Azzedine Soufiane.

Communities across Canada were shaken by a horrific tragedy that left families broken forever. The aftermath of this hate crime witnessed an outpour of community support for the families affected and promises made to stand in solidarity against hate. Indeed, we are grateful for the many allies since the tragedy who have shown their support and denounced Islamophobia unequivocally.

Three years later, Canada continues to witness a rise of white supremacy and far-right extremist groups, increasing hate-motivated attacks on Canadians of religious and visible minorities, particularly Muslims, spreading of online hate, and significant challenges in prosecuting hate crimes.

We will never allow such incidents to divide us or create hate between neighbours. We thank law enforcement personnel and first responders for their tireless work keeping our communities safe. We encourage different communities across Canada to continue to support and rally around the survivors and show that all Canadians stand resolutely against hate. We invite our Muslim community members to carry forward with courage, fearless determination and keep their spirits high.



MAC is one of the largest Muslim organizations in Canada. MAC believes that the personal development of every individual is the key to real and fruitful involvement in the community. It brings a balanced, constructive and engaged understanding of Islam that aims to inspire Muslims in Canada.

Muslim Association of Canada | (905) 822-2626

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