MAC ICCO Vaccination Popup Clinic Registration is Now Closed

MISSISSAUGA – April 27, 2021: Following the announcement on April 24th regarding the partnership of MAC with Peel Public Health and the Ontario Government to use the MAC Islamic Community Centre of Ontario (ICCO) as a vaccination popup clinic in Mississauga, the registration is now open to book an appointment for vaccination. To receive the registration link email and to sign up for updates click here.
The appointments begin April 30th and end May 11th for individuals 18 years of age and older who live in any of the Peel hot spot postal codes. The clinic will run seven days a week with varying appointment times including appointment times after iftar.
Please note that Peel Public Health (PPH) is responsible for managing and overseeing the distribution and administration of vaccines for their entire region. For more information on vaccination in Peel please visit or call Peel Public Health for COVID-19 inquiries, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday at 905-799-7700.
If you are aware of individuals in hot spot areas in Peel who have barriers to vaccination please email For more information on MAC vaccination sites and Islamic opinions on vaccination visit
To support MAC in running their educational programs and maintaining and developing their centres, kindly donate at and you will receive an official tax-deductible donation receipt.
Thank you again for all your efforts to keep our community safe. Together we can help keep ourselves and our communities safe and healthy. May Allah SWT protect us all.
For Media inquiries or information please contact: +1 (905) 822-2626 x 233
Muslim Association of Canada