Canada’s Response to Israel’s Expulsion Of Palestinians From Their Homes And The Attack On Palestinians Worshipping In Al-Aqsa

May 12, 2021
The Right Honourable Justin Trudeau
Prime Minister of Canada
Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington Street Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2
The Honourable Marc Garneau
Minister of Foreign Affairs
House of Commons
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Re: Canada’s Response to Israel’s Expulsion Of Palestinians From Their Homes And The Attack On Palestinians Worshipping In Al-Aqsa
We are collectively writing to you regarding the recent reprehensible attacks and escalation of violence perpetrated by Israeli authorities on Palestinians.
Prime Minister, yesterday you spoke clearly about your concerns about the settlements and the evictions of Palestinians. You noted that we need to see an end to the violence, including to the violence at the Al Aqsa Mosque, which you described accurately as heart wrenching. We encourage you to continue to condemn, and for the Minister of Foreign Affairs, to stand unequivocally for human rights and acknowledge the realities on the ground. Canada must adhere to its longstanding foreign policy principle of an unwavering respect for human dignity, human rights and the rule of law.
In addition to the ongoing and systemic issues associated with the siege of Gaza, the occupation and the expansion of Israeli settlements, Israeli security forces have attacked worshippers at the Al-Aqsa mosque with complete disregard to the sanctity of one of the holiest mosques in Islam and have done so on of the the holiest days of Ramadan. This is problematic to Muslims around the world including over one million Muslims in Canada.
Israel’s campaign to forcefully evict Palestinian families from the homes that they have lived in for decades, to make room for Israeli settlers in Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem, has been condemned by the United Nations and many world leaders. East Jerusalem remains an occupied territory and the actions of the Israeli government amount to continued violations of international law.
The acts of the Israeli government are continuations of Israel’s settlement policy which is not only rooted in a flagrant violation of basic human rights, but also a violation of international law and all associated norms and protocols accepted by the world. Israel’s actions continue to demonstrate not only a complete disregard for the lives and well being of Palestinians, but also an unwillingness to allow for a two-state solution. These actions demonstrate that Israel is committed to destroy the prospects for a Palestinian state permanently. This is contrary to longstanding Canadian and allies’ foreign policy.
Over 100,000 Canadians have reached out to your office and MPs across the legislature. We know that the call is starting to be heard.
As a next point, we are asking Canada to now issue a formal statement calling for Israel to immediately and unconditionally halt the violence in Jerusalem and suspend the expulsion of Palestinian families from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah.
Additionally we call on Canada to:
- Work with allies to use diplomatic means to pressure Israel to stop their current policies on forced evictions.
- Reinforce the sanctity of religious sites like the Al-Aqsa Mosque from state and police violence and to resist any potential attempts to change status quo of Al-Aqsa
- Safeguard the lives of those under occupation who face unequal and disproportionate COVID-19.
Le 12 mai 2021
Le très honorable Justin Trudeau
Premier ministre du Canada
Bureau du Premier ministre
80, rue Wellington Ottawa, ON
K1A 0A2
L’honorable Marc Garneau
Ministre des Affaires étrangères
Chambre des communes
80, rue Wellington
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
Re : Réponse du Canada à l’expulsion par Israël des Palestiniens de leurs maisons et à l’attaque contre les Palestiniens pratiquant leur culte à Al-Aqsa
Nous vous écrivons collectivement au sujet des récentes attaques répréhensibles et de l’escalade de la violence perpétrées par les autorités israéliennes contre les Palestiniens.
Monsieur le Premier ministre, hier, vous avez clairement exprimé vos préoccupations concernant les colonies et les expulsions de Palestiniens. Vous avez indiqué qu’il fallait mettre fin à la violence, y compris à la violence à la mosquée Al Aqsa, que vous avez décrite avec précision comme étant déchirante. Nous vous encourageons à continuer à condamner et, pour le ministre des Affaires étrangères, à défendre sans équivoque les droits de la personne et à reconnaître les réalités sur le terrain. Le Canada doit adhérer au principe de longue date de sa politique étrangère, à savoir le respect inébranlable de la dignité humaine, des droits de la personne et de la primauté du droit.
En plus des problèmes permanents et systémiques associés au siège de Gaza, à l’occupation et à l’expansion des colonies israéliennes, les forces de sécurité israéliennes ont attaqué des fidèles à la mosquée Al-Aqsa, au mépris total du caractère sacré de l’une des mosquées les plus sacrées de l’Islam, et ce, pendant l’un des jours les plus sacrés du Ramadan. Cela pose problème aux musulmans du monde entier, y compris à plus d’un million de musulmans au Canada.
La campagne israélienne visant à expulser par la force des familles palestiniennes des maisons qu’elles habitent depuis des décennies, pour faire place à des colons israéliens à Sheikh Jarrah, à Jérusalem-Est, a été condamnée par les Nations Unies et de nombreux dirigeants mondiaux. Jérusalem-Est reste un territoire occupé et les actions du gouvernement israélien constituent des violations continues du droit international.
Les actes du gouvernement israélien sont la continuation de la politique de colonisation d’Israël qui est non seulement ancrée dans une violation flagrante des droits humains fondamentaux, mais aussi une violation du droit international et de toutes les normes et protocoles associés acceptés par le monde. Les actions d’Israël continuent de démontrer non seulement un mépris total pour la vie et le bien-être des Palestiniens, mais aussi un refus de permettre une solution à deux États. Ces actions démontrent qu’Israël est déterminé à détruire définitivement les perspectives d’un État palestinien. Cela va à l’encontre de la politique étrangère que le Canada et ses alliés pratiquent depuis longtemps.
Plus de 100 000 Canadiens se sont adressés à votre bureau et aux députés de l’ensemble de la législature. Nous savons que l’appel commence à être entendu.
Dans un deuxième temps, nous demandons au Canada de publier une déclaration officielle appelant Israël à cesser immédiatement et inconditionnellement la violence à Jérusalem et à suspendre l’expulsion des familles palestiniennes de leurs maisons à Sheikh Jarrah.
De plus, nous demandons au Canada de :
- Travailler avec ses alliés pour utiliser des moyens diplomatiques afin de faire pression sur Israël pour qu’il mette fin à ses politiques actuelles d’expulsions forcées.
- Renforcer le caractère sacré des sites religieux comme la mosquée Al-Aqsa contre la violence de l’État et de la police et résister à toute tentative potentielle de changer le statu quo d’Al-Aqsa.
- Sauvegarder la vie de ceux qui sont sous l’occupation et qui font face à des COVID-19 inégaux et disproportionnés.
- Canadian Council Of Imams
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women
- Canadian Muslim Civil Liberties Association
- Canadian Muslim Forum
- Council For The Advancement Of Muslim Professionals Canada
- Human Concern International
- ICNA Sisters Canada
- Islamic Relief Canada
- ISNA Canada
- Justice For All Canada
- Muslim Association Of Canada
- National Council Of Canadian Muslims
- Palestinian Canadian Congress
- The Canadian Palestinian Coalition
- The United Church of Canada
- Independent Jewish Voices Canada
- Canadian BDS Coalition
British Columbia
- British Columbia Muslim Association (Abbotsfort)
- Free Palestine (Langley )
- Masjid Ar-Rahman (North Vancouver)
- Abu Bakr Islamic Centre (Surrey)
- Al-Ihsan Educational Foundation (Surrey)
- Anjuman Khudam E Suffia (Surrey)
- Fleetwood Islamic academy society of Canada (Surrey)
- Friends Of Pakistan Canada Association (Surrey)
- Guildford Islamic Cultural Center (Surrey)
- Islamic Association Of Western Canada (Surrey)
- Masjid Al Huda (Surrey)
- Muslim Food Bank & Community Services (Surrey)
- Pakistan Canadian Cultural Association (Surrey)
- Fleetwood Islamic Academy Society (Surrey )
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women – Vancouver (Vancouver)
- Independent Jewish Voices-Canada (Vancouver)
- MAC Centre Vancouver (Vancouver)
- Muslim Students’ Association – Univeristy of British Columbia (Vancouver)
- Al-Arqam Foundation (Vancouver )
- Canadian Arab Forum Of BC (Vancouver )
- Islam Unraveled (Vancouver )
- Pakistan Canada Association- Al Jamia Masjid Vancouver (Vancouver )
- Akram Jomaa Islamic Centre (Calgary)
- Al-Salam Centre (Calgary)
- Calgary Lebanese Association (Calgary)
- Council For The Advancement Of Muslim Professionals Canada – Calgary (Calgary)
- Somali Canadian Society Of Calgary (Calgary)
- Alberta Muslims Social Association (Calgary )
- Canadian Muslim Research Think Tank (Calgary )
- Think For Actions (Calgary )
- Cold Lake Mosque (Cold Lake)
- Al Rashid Mosque (Edmonton)
- Al-Ameen Mosque (Edmonton)
- MAC Islamic Center – Rahma Mosque (Edmonton)
- Muslim Student Organization – MacEwan University (Edmonton)
- Muslim Students’ Association – University of Alberta (Edmonton)
- Somali Students Association (Edmonton )
- Syrian Canadian Culture And Community Centre (Edmonton )
- Socialist Action / Ligue Pour L’Action Socialiste (Edmonton)
- Healthy Muslim Families (Winnipeg)
- Punjabi Literary And Cultural Association (Winnipeg)
- Al Hijra Islamic Foundation (Winnipeg )
- Manitoba Islamic Association (Winnipeg )
- Muslim Students’ Association – University Of Manitoba (Winnipeg )
- Alabrar Muslim Association (Aurora)
- Imam e Zamana Center (Brampton)
- The Care Factor Community Services Inc (Brampton)
- Bramalea Islamic Cultural Centre (Brampton )
- Muslim Association Of Brantford (Brantford)
- Palestinian Association Of Brantford (Brantford)
- Halton Islamic Association (Burlington)
- Masjid Aisha (Guelph)
- Ibrahim Jame Mosque (Hamilton)
- Jewish Liberation Theology Institute (Hamilton)
- Bosnian Islamic Centre Of Hamilton (Hamilton )
- Institute For Research Of Genocide Canada (Hamilton )
- Islamic Society Of Kingston (Kingston)
- Kitchener Waterloo Masjid (Kitchener)
- Muslim Students’ Association – Conestoga College (Kitchener)
- Rohingya Association Of Canada (Kitchener)
- Albilad Publishing Inc. (London)
- Almehdi Center Of London Ontario (London)
- Arab Canadian Engineers Association (London)
- Bosnian Canadian Islamic Centre London (London)
- Canada Boat To Gaza (London)
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women – London (London)
- Canadian Palestinian Social Association (London)
- Hikma Public Affairs Council (London)
- Hyatt Mosque And Centre (London)
- Islamic Centre Of Southwest Ontario (London)
- MAC Hyde Park (London)
- MAC Noor Gardens (London)
- MAC Westmount Centre (London)
- Muslim Youth Association Of London (London)
- Niagara Movement For Justice In Palestine-Israel (London)
- North London Islamic Centre (London)
- Pakistani Canadian Association Of London And Surrounding Area (London)
- Thaqalayn Muslim Association At Western University (London)
- London Muslim Mosque (London )
- Islamic Centre Of Markham (Markham)
- Islamic Society Of Markham (Markham)
- Muslim Association of Milton (Milton)
- Islamic Community Centre Of Milton (Milton )
- Muslim Advisory Council Of Canada (Milton )
- Ahamadiyya Muslim Jama’At Mississauga (Mississauga)
- Anatolia Islamic Center (Mississauga)
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women – Brampton/Mississauga (Mississauga)
- Islamic Community Centre Of Ontario (Mississauga)
- Masjid Al-Farooq Islamic Centre (Mississauga)
- Muslim Neighbour Nexus (Mississauga)
- Pakistani Students Association – UTM (Mississauga)
- Tawheed Community Centre (Mississauga)
- Khalil Alqam (Nepean)
- SNMC Masjid (Nepean)
- Newmarket Islamic Centre (Newmarket)
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women – Niagara (Niagara Falls)
- Dar Foundation (Oakville)
- Muslims of Dufferin Orangeville (Orangeville)
- North East Muslims (Oshawa)
- Assunnah Muslims Association (Ottawa)
- Canada Talks Israel Palestine (Ottawa)
- Darul Uloom Ottawa (Ottawa)
- MAC Islamic Center Ottawa (Ottawa)
- Speak! (Ottawa)
- Masjid Alrahma (Ottawa )
- Al Nadwa Educational Islamic Centre (Richmond Hill )
- Islamic Foundation Of Toronto (Scarborough)
- Spiritual Society Canada Inc (Scarborough)
- Dufferin County Interfaith Forum (Shelburne)
- Muslims of Shelburne Centre (Shelburne)
- Islamic Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Toronto (Thornhill)
- Abu Huraira Center (Toronto)
- Bosnian Islamic Centre (Toronto)
- CAMP Cares For Communities (Toronto)
- Canadian Arab Institute (Toronto)
- Canadian Council Of Muslim Women – Toronto (Toronto)
- Canadian Sufi Cultural Centre (Toronto)
- Council For The Advancement Of Muslim Professionals Canada – Toronto (Toronto)
- Danforth Community Center (Toronto)
- Downtown Muslim Professionals Association (Toronto)
- Ilmster Seminars (Toronto)
- Islamic Institute Of Toronto (Toronto)
- Islamic Society of Toronto (Toronto)
- Jerrahi Sufi Order Of Canada (Toronto)
- Just Peace Advocates/Mouvement Pour Une Paix Juste (Toronto)
- Masjid Toronto At Adelaide (Toronto)
- Masjid Toronto At Dundas (Toronto)
- Mathabah Institute (Toronto)
- Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto (Toronto)
- Muslim Leadership Initiative Canada (Toronto)
- Muslims For Canada (Toronto)
- Noor Cultural Centre (Toronto)
- Palestinian Canadian Community Centre – Palestine House (Toronto)
- Scarborough Muslim Association (Toronto)
- The Taric Islamic Centre (Toronto)
- Turkish Canadian Religious Foundation (Toronto)
- World Beyond War (Toronto)
- Bukhari Academy (Toronto )
- Canadians Against Oppression And Persecution (Toronto )
- Shalom Salaam Toronto (Toronto )
- Sufi Council of Toronto (Toronto )
- Islamic Center Of Waterloo (Waterloo)
- MAC Hespeler Masjid (Waterloo)
- Rose City Islamic Centre (Windsor)
- Islamic Community Center of Brossard (Brossard)
- Centre Islamique De L’Outaouais (Gatineau )
- Islamic Centre Of Outaouais (Gatineau )
- Canadians For Justice And Peace In The Middle East (CJPME) (Montréal)
- Canadian Foreign Policy Institute (Montreal)
- Academics For Palestine-Concordia (Montréal)
- Ahl-Ill Bait Islamic Organization (Montréal)
- AJYAL (Génération Libano-Canadienne ) (Montréal)
- Al Rawdah Mosque (Montréal)
- Altawhid Islamic Center (Montréal)
- Bel Agir (Al-Ihsane) Association (Montréal)
- Canadian Institute Of Islamic Civilization (Montréal)
- Centre Communautaire Laurentien (Montréal)
- Centre Communautaire Villeray (Montréal)
- Masjid Baitul Mukarram (Montréal)
- Mosquée Madani (Montréal)
- Mosquée Tawuba (Montréal)
- Olive Branch Think Tank (Montréal)
- Council For The Advancement Of Muslim Professionals – Montreal (Montreal )
- Centre Culturel Islamique Assalam (Montréal )
- Al-Salam Mosque (Quebec)
- Centre Culturel Islamique De Québec (Quebec City)
- MAC Islamic Centre Of Verdun (Verdon)
- MAC Quebec Information Center (Quebec City)
- Association Al-Imane (Saint-Jean-Sur-Richelieu )
- Centre Culturel Islamique De Roussillon (St Constant)
- Centre Communautaire Musulman De Montréal (St Leonard)
- St Thomas Islamic Centre (St Thomas)
- MAC Islamic Centre Of Verdun (Verdon)
- CJPME Okanagan (Vernon)
Nova Scotia
- Atlantic Canada Palestinian Society (Halifax)
- Nova Scotia Voice Of Women For Peace (Halifax)