Message of the Executive Director

Asalamu walaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu dear Brothers and Sisters,
As I open with May the Peace, Mercy and Blessings of Allah(swt) be upon you – it seems that as universal as this message is, under the realities we are currently witnessing, this month it feels deeper and carries meaning in so many ways.
The community and world around us is facing many challenges – both locally within our communities as well as globally. We may be feeling overwhelmed at times with the news that comes to us. Yet, as a community, our cohesion to one another and by tightening our grip to the rope of Allah(swt), we continue to seek hope, healing, and try to actively engage in actions that will help to better our situation, inshaAllah.
Through this past month, the Muslim Association of Canada has been continuing to work and be present within our communities across the country – trying to mobilize action and move forward together with tawakkul.
After a year of many unpredictable circumstances, our schools across the country ended the year on a positive note. We celebrated our graduates, and our students ended the year with inspiring cumulative iRise projects that displayed the depth of their learning on the topic of One Ummah!
As Canada continues to roll out COVID-19 vaccines, several of our chapters across the country have partnered with local public health units to provide vaccination clinics for the community – this includes Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal and Mississauga chapters! We will continue to open our centers for service to the community in the form of vaccination clinics wherever possible, and play our part in overcoming this pandemic, inshaAllah.
This past month, as we have been shaken by the tragic loss of #OurLondonFamily, MAC mobilized thousands of Canadaians across 13 major cities across the country to a Call to Action. Every single city organized a Call to Action and this was backed by over 100 local and national organizations from nearly every sector.
Finally, as a government-led response to fighting Islamophobia, the Ministry of Education has entrusted MAC with a $225,000 grant towards building resources and education to combat Islamophobia. We are honoured to be entrusted with this task and look to work actively within the Province of Ontario to reducing the impact of Islamophobia by working within the Education system, inshaAllah.
As we approach the days of Dhul Hijjah, I know these sacred days of this sacred month is a blessed opportunity for us to deepen our relationship with Allah(swt). It is a time to take concrete steps towards grounding ourselves amidst all that is happening. Whether this is through our extra prayers, our fasts during the days of Dhul Hijjah, or extra acts of charity, let us find peace and find certainty by drawing nearer to Allah(swt), inshaAllah.
I also invite you to consider making your Udhiya donations through your local chapter. For more information email:
Please stay tuned to your local chapter announcements for Eid ul-Adha celebrations, inshaAllah.
Wa salamu walaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakutuhu,