Message of the Executive Director

Salamu walaikum wa Rahmatullah dear brothers and sisters,
I pray you and your families and the communities around you are well, inshaAllah.
As summer ends and we embark on a new school year, I pray that we are all able to transition back into our routines in a safe and beneficial way, inshaAllah.
Through these summer months, our departments have been busy bringing important programming to the community. Be that children’s summer activities and day camps, or youth overnight camps, or family programming, our chapters have been busy. Our centers and mosques have also continued to provide jumah and community programming in compliance with local covid regulations, Alhamdulillah.
As we welcome back students, staff, parents and communities to our full-time and part-time school programs, we are looking forward to a fruitful year, inshaAllah. Our staff have been busy at work, in preparing classrooms, and engaging in important professional development workshops as they prepare to welcome students back into a safe and engaging learning environment, inshaAllah. We will continue to stay committed to providing safe learning options for our students through these precarious times, inshaAllah.
This past month, our chapters held several youth camps across the country – providing our youth with a meaningful experience where they can connect with other youth, mentors, and in a natural environment that fosters spirituality and with the hopes that they will return back with a tarbiyah experience that will help strengthen their identities as Muslim Canadian youth.
This past month we also hosted a national MSA Leadership virtual program with representation of youth leaders on campuses across the country. The program offered important topics relevant to campus experiences along with practical, hands-on strategies.
This past month, we have also been hard at work on our Anti-Islamophobia educational resources for the Ministry of Education in Ontario. Our partnership with the Ministry of Education on addressing these key issues that help shape the narrative of a positive Islam in Canada is one example of practical steps we are taking on dismantling Islamophobia, inshaAllah.
As we look forward to elections in the coming weeks, I encourage each one of you to be informed about the candidate platforms, and take an active stance in voting responsibly and encouraging all those around you to ensure they vote for this federal election, inshaAllah.
I pray that we will all continue to participate, voice ourselves, and be active in our communities to champion causes that will nurture a thriving Canadian society, inshaAllah.
Wa salamu walaikum,