Message of the Executive Director

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
My dear brothers and sisters,
As we move into November, we should remember to apply all we have learned from various events held across the country about our Islamic history during Islamic Heritage Month. This includes, to name a few, the resilience and emotional intelligence we learned from the Fiqh Forum held at Masjid Toronto, the youth contest about the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and the friendly interactions we can have with our neighbours about our heritage and history. It is our duty to continue to improve in both knowledge and etiquette. Remember we should improve ourselves before we can influence others and be great examples. As Abu Huraira (RA) reported: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, “Verily, Allah does not look at your appearance or wealth, but rather he looks at your hearts and actions.” (Muslim)
Let us take this time to reflect upon ourselves and our deeds. What can we do better and what should we continue doing. We must remain positive and have strong faith in Allah to get us through the last few months of this pandemic. As one of our OGS students, Deen, has reminded us through his art piece “Ar-Razzaq” which, MashAllah, has been featured in the Royal Ontario Museum for the exhibit `My Pandemic Story: Youth Create Portraits of a Pandemic”. I encourage everyone to see it and show your support for our community.
Let us also not forget the homeless and needy during this time. As winter approaches and the weather gets unbearably cold, please consider doing good deeds and donating your unused clothing and necessaries to shelters nearby.
The Muslim Association of Canada will continue doing what we can to provide oppurtunities for our members to grow both spiritually and professionally.
Jazakullah Khairen,
Sharaf Sharafeldin
Executive Director
Muslim Association of Canada