Message from the Executive Director – May 2022

Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.
Dear Community Members,
I pray you, your families, and the communities around you are well and in good health.
We hope that you feel renewed spiritually and physically after Ramadan and that you are able to carry on with the renewed energy beyond this month. I ask Allah that He accepts all that you established during these 30 days.
By the grace of Allah, our local Masajid and centers welcomed tens of thousands every night during the blessed days of Ramadan after two years of mandated closures due to the pandemic. We delivered many age-appropriate programs, both in-person and online, serving adults, youth and children, hosting community iftars, and taraweeh prayers. Notably, we served the Edmonton downtown community through sharing a new space at the McDougall United Church.
Similarly, MAC-Eid Festivals were celebrated in communities across the country. Festivals brought tens of thousands of Muslims enjoying the spirit of Eid together. MAC brought the joy of Eid to so many families from GTA, to Ottawa, to Kitchener-Waterloo, to Vancouver, to Montreal, Windsor, Calgary, Ottawa and Edmonton, as well as in our many local Masajid and Islamic Centres. Close to 50,000 Muslims enjoyed unique Eid experiences with carnivals and shows designed to make Eid a festival of joy for children and parents alike.
We welcomed Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who addressed the Muslim community on Eid day at the MAC Eid Festival in Ottawa. Later during the week, at the Eid reception organized at the MAC head office in Mississauga, at the Eid reception organized at the MAC head office in Mississauga, Premier Doug Ford thanked MAC and the Muslim community for their contributions to Ontario.
We are grateful for Allah’s blessings in this Ramadan and Eid season, and energized by our togetherness as a community during this blessed time.
There is more to come. I am pleased to announce the first MAC Convention which will be held on July 1-3, 2022. Our aim is build a global community of changemakers that includes scholars, writers, thinkers, influencers, activists, and professionals who can re-imagine what it means to thrive as a faithful community anchored on the fidelity to Allah and walking on the path of Al-Istiqamah – طريق الاستقامة . I invite you to join us at this convention. You can follow the developments by visiting our website.
Sharaf Sharafeldin,
Executive Director
Muslim Association of Canada