Message from the President-Executive

August 15, 2022
Assalamu alikum warahmatullah wabarakatu,
I pray that you and your families are enjoying the summer break, connecting with family and friends, and enjoying the outdoors.
The summer grants us a great opportunity to connect with our children and our friends and spend quality time that is meaningful for us to grow closer to each other and benefit our hearts and souls. It also grants us time to pursue reading and learning, to attend our local masajid, and to enjoy exercise in the beautiful outdoors.
قال رسولُ اللهِ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم: « نِعمَتانِ مغبونٌ فيهما كثيرٌمن الناسِ: الصَّحَّةُ والفَّراغُ» رواه البخاري
On the authority of Ibn Abas (RA), the Prophet (pbuh) said: “There are two blessings that many people take for granted and lose: the blessings of health and free time”.
While I know having kids out of school can be a real challenge, consider challenging each member of your family to read one book before the end of the summer, and consider taking hikes in nature with your family or friends. While enjoying the outdoors, ponder upon Allah’s creation and soften your tongue and heart with His dhikr and the remembrance of His bounties upon us.
I encourage all of us to try and spend what remains from the summer on activities that will benefit us and our families. Across the country, MAC chapters have worked hard to organize enriching programs for people of all ages, including end-of-summer camps that are life-changing experiences for our youth. I encourage you to reach out to your local MAC chapter and learn about their offerings.
I can’t end this message without asking all of us to remember our brothers and sisters in Palestine who have suffered great injustice in recent weeks and whose suffering has been ignored by much of the world. Keep them in your duaa and support local efforts to raise awareness and support whenever possible.
I pray that you and your families enjoy the rest of the summer in the best way, and that you return from any travels safely inshaAllah. I pray Allah blesses our ummah with brighter days ahead inshaAllah.
Your brother,
Abdullatif Bakbak
President – Executive
Muslim Association of Canada