Message from the President-Executive

September 8, 2022,
Assalamu alikum warahmatullah wabarakatu,
As we witness the horrific floods of Pakistan causing devastation to a third of the country’s population, we as a community sitting in the comfort and safety of our country, must reflect.
We must resist the notion that we can ignore the devastation of Muslims in faraway lands. We are one Ummah and as the Prophet (pbuh) taught us, one body. If one part of our body is sick, the entire body falls into fever. If we are not feeling the fever here, there is a gap in our understanding and an ailment in our hearts.
As with every crisis we witness around the world, we ask ourselves as individuals: what is our responsibility?
Our immediate responsibility as believers is to support our brothers and sisters with funds and donate to one of the many efforts supporting the victims in Pakistan (links below). If you haven’t yet donated towards this cause, I urge you to do so today, so we can have something to respond with on the day of Judgment when we are asked about their plight.
Beyond financial support, we must also tackle root problems. The flooding in Pakistan is yet another manifestation of global warming. We as Muslims have a critical responsibility to tackle this problem as part of our God-given role of vicegerents (Khalifahs) on the earth. As Canadian Muslims, we have an even bigger role given that Canada continues to be among the top global emitters of greenhouse gases. We need to join Canadians of all backgrounds who are demanding more serious climate change measures by our politicians.
And last but certainly not least, we must continue praying for our brothers and sisters in Pakistan. May Allah heal their sick, feed their hungry, house their destitute and forgive their deceased.
Your brother,
Abdullatif Bakbak
MAC President-Executive
Links & References
Pakistan Floods Appeal – Islamic Relief Canada
Hands For Charity – Helping hand to all people in need
Pakistan Flood Response · Penny Appeal Canada
Pakistan’s ‘biblical’ floods should be a wakeup call for the world, says climate lawyer | CBC Radio
Carbon Footprint by Country 2022 (
I agree 100 per cent with the above article. Wherever and whenever possible we must help and support our Muslim and non-Muslim brothers and sisters who are suffering the ravages of climate. Not only with money and prayers but also by standing with groups who are trying to get their voices heard.