Message from the President-Executive

July 2022

Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu,

I pray that you are and your family are well and healthy, inshaAllah. 

With the Grace of and Mercy of Allah swt, this summer has been blessed with the launch of several integral community events.  Just a few weeks ago, over ten chapters and major cities across the country hosted Eid Prayers and MAC Eid Festivals. Our community came together in Eid Al-adha to raise the praise of our Lord, remind ourselves of our deepest values instilled by our father Ibrahim (AS) and his family, and commit ourselves to our Lord once again. May Allah swt accept all of your worship and good deeds through these blessed days of dhul Hijjah, inshaAllah.

Earlier this month, MAC held its first annual convention at Enercare Centre in Toronto on July 1-3, MAC Convention22 – Thriving in the Path of Allah (Tareeq Al-Istiqamah – طريق الاستقامة). By the blessing of Allah (swt), and the great effort of the entire MACConvention22 Team, the convention was alhamduillah a great success!  This event was envisioned to be an event where knowledge, creativity, hope, and solidarity came together to inspire us to collectively Thrive in the Path of Allah (swt). 

This convention was an incredibly important event for MAC. It engaged attendees over fifty parallel sessions covering eight themes. Each session was purposefully designed to contribute to the elevation of individuals, the community, and ultimately the Ummah to a realization that Islam provides a very unique framework that is comprehensive, balanced, and applicable to all spheres of life.  By building meaningful, thought-provoking conversations, participants were pushed to become active agents of change in society. All of these sessions will soon be  available online on our eLearning platform

The feedback of attendees and participants have been positive and through the tawfeeq of Allah(swt), there was a lot of goodness that came from this event, Alhamdulillah. It was heart-warming to see our youth, who represent the hope and future of our community, being the majority in the convention. It is our hope that this convention will contribute to laying foundations for the work that lies ahead, for grounding future generations in a strong, unwavering Islamic identity, and for empowering faithful activism in all aspects of our society inshaAllah. 

We look forward to seeing you all back next year in MACConvention23 InshaAllah!

Our chapters across the country have been busy delivering many different types of programming for all ages and groups through our schools and centers, Alhamdulillah.  Whether it is youth camps; children’s summer camp programs; Qur’an programs; family outings, each chapter is providing many different options for families and we encourage you to connect with your local chapters for more details, inshaAllah.

As we approach the new Islamic New Year of 1444, we ask Allah to bless our community and ummah and to lift the oppression, poverty and insecurity our brothers and sisters face around the world. We ask Allah to allow our community to be a source of light and goodness for our society here at home, and for all people across the globe. 

May Allah (swt) bless each of you and your families with a fruitful and blessed summer.

JazakumAllah Khair,

Abdullatif Bakbak

MAC President – Executive

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