Edmonton Church Hosts Muslims for Taraweeh Prayers

April 19, 2022 | Edmonton – Muslims in downtown Edmonton have been congregating in one of Edmonton’s oldest churches for the night Taraweeh prayers since the start of the holy month of Ramadan.
“It’s actually really interesting because this Ramadan has been an opportunity for us to sort of experiment, work out the kinks, see what spaces work, what spaces don’t work and we’re in talks with McDougall right now about what a long-term partnership looks like,” Yasin Cetin told Edmonton Journal.
Cetin, outreach and engagement advisor with the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) Edmonton Chapter, said that McDougall United Church approached them in February about “revisioning” their community space as a multi-faith community hub.
This past Good Friday, the two communities came together into church to observe prayers – Christians observing Good Friday service and Muslims, the Friday prayer — in different parts of the church.
“Being in a space like McDougall has been even more rewarding, just because we’re sharing space with a beautiful community — and being able to connect on days like Good Friday, I think, is extra special.”
To read the full article, click here.
– About Islam