President-Executive Message – March 2023

Ramadan – An opportunity meant specifically for you.
As Ramadan approaches, some Muslims have mixed feelings, fasting is hard, sleep is challenged, routines are upended.
Allah has gifted Ramadan to our ummah not only for the righteous who are close to Allah, but especially for the sinners who have wronged themselves and decide to return to Him and His Mercy & Compassion. This is our opportunity.
If you find yourself coming up short time and time again, if you struggle to connect meaningfully with the Quran, if you are ashamed of your sins and distance from Allah, Ramadan has come specifically for you.
Do not wait for another Ramadan, do not despair, and do not engage Ramadan with a heaviness, but rather with a profound hope that Allah may fundamentally change your condition if you engage Him sincerely.
Approach Ramadan with the guidance of sayedna Ibrahim:

إِلَّا مَنْ أَتَى اللَّهَ بِقَلْبٍ سَلِيمٍ
“But only the one who comes to Allah with a sound heart” (26:89)
Let us focus on cleansing our heart in this blessed month. Let us address its inner sins. Let us clear animosity with others, especially family. Let us come out of Ramadan with a truly sound heart.
This Ramadan, resolve to remove the veils between you and Allah and spill your heart out to Him. Speak to Allah of your challenges, of your sins, of your shortcomings, tell Allah of your resolve to be a better person, and ask for Allah’s help in actualizing this. Let this be an ongoing intimate conversation between you and Allah throughout the month and you’ll be amazed at the result inshaAllah.
Let this be the best Ramadan of your life, let it be a moment of true change in your relationship with Allah.
May Allah grant us all forgiveness, mercy and acceptance in this blessed month. May Allah allow us to improve the condition of both ourselves and our ummah.
Allahmumma baligna Ramadan. Oh Allah, allow us to reach Ramadan.
– Abdullatif Bakbak, MAC President-Executive