Why we need the CRA to publish advancement of religion guidance

February 27, 2024 | The Philanthropist
(Cet article est disponible en français.)
In the current context of rising antisemitism, concerns over Islamophobia, and questions about Christmas and Easter, it is more important than ever to foster understanding and respect for diverse religious beliefs. Within the charitable sector, we know that close to 40% of the registered charities in Canada have religious purposes (approximately 33,000 of 85,000).
These charities serve their communities in myriad ways, meeting practical needs through food banks and meal service, affordable or transitional housing, addiction recovery groups, and support for people living with disabilities; meeting spiritual needs through religious services, prayer, and providing answers to existential questions about purpose and meaning; equipping and mentoring youth through community outreach, leadership training, employment skills, and volunteer opportunities; caring for the marginalized, the elderly, and the incarcerated; working to end injustice, human trafficking and slavery, and elder abuse. This desire to serve and love others comes because of faith, not in spite of faith. The contributions and positive impact from religious charities are significant and valuable….
A recent court decision, Muslim Association of Canada v. Attorney General of Canada, 2023 ONSC 5171, demonstrates some of these tangible implications. The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) is a registered Canadian charity, operating mosques, schools, and community centres across Canada…..
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