Associates Registration
Welcome to becoming a MAC Associate
This registration allows you to be a MAC Associate as per the guidelines stated below
The Associate's program is open to all Muslims as per the criteria below:
- Any Muslim over the age of 18 years who is a Canadian resident or citizen
- They understand Islam to be a comprehensive and balanced religion with core
references being the Quran and authentic Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as defined and adopted by MAC
- They strive to adhere to the Islamic teachings, avoiding the prohibitions, doing their best to fulfill the prescribed duties, and maintain a high level of Muslim character
Why Support MAC and become an Associate?
- Because MAC has a dream – to help Muslims build more caring and inclusive communities, where Muslims are well represented in all areas of Canadian society
- Because MAC has a vision – To see a time when the understanding of Islam and Islamic values are commonplace in Canadian society
- Because MAC has the national reach to deliver on its mission, where schools (full-time and part-time) and community centers, that MAC operates, are safe and welcoming spaces for families
- Because MAC has shown it has the capacity for growth and excellence. Espousing a strong framework for social change and community development, enabled by a strong and committed membership and volunteer base
- Because MAC is investing in key priorities for our communities, not only developing new programs, but replicating successful projects across Canada. As a result, more youth are welcomed to quality programs that nurture their potential to become tomorrow’s leaders
- Because MAC invests in our communities
- Because MAC is making a difference every single day
Duties & Benefits
- Financial show of support through annual suggested dues ($25 annually)
- Volunteerism in MAC’s activities
- Personal growth within MAC’s open educational opportunities (online or in-person)
- Contribution in local operational committees
- Participation in public chapter meetings
Once you submit your registration, someone from the local Chapter will contact you in order to finish the process which involves
- Introducing you to MAC
- Verifying your personal & contact information
Once you submit your registration, someone from the local Chapter will contact you in order to finish the process which involves
- Introducing you to MAC
- Verifying your personal & contact information